The word euthanasia is derived from the Greek words "eu" (meaning good) and "thanatos" (meaning death) and thus literally means a good death.
We know how much your pet means to you and when it comes time, we strive to make their passing as pain free and serene as possible. Being able to say goodbye in the place they feel most at ease is truly a final act of love.
This is typically achieved with an initial injection of a sedative mixed with a pain medication which will allow your pet to drift off to sleep usually within 5 to 10 minutes after administering. The final injection to stop their heart is given only after their sedation is assessed and they are determined to be completely and serenely asleep.
Some choose to be present for both injections, and some choose to be present for only the first one knowing that their pet is no longer aware of their surroundings. Either option is reasonable and supported. We understand grief is difficult and different for everyone and will do our utmost to honor and respect your process.
We partner with Bubbling Wells located in the hills just outside Napa. They are a pet cremation service that has been run for generations by the same family and they pride themselves on caring for the remains of each pet with dignity and care. They offer private and communal cremation and we are prepared to transport your pet after they have passed and ensure their ashes are returned to you if you choose.
If instead you elect a home burial, be sure to check local regulations associated with your address and also to determine that you are not digging near gas or water lines. We will not be able to assist with this aspect of aftercare but recommend burial at least five feet down to ensure wildlife can't disturb your pet's resting place, as the euthanasia solution remains in your pet's body and can act as a poison to wildlife if ingested.
If you are looking for something beyond these options, please don't hesitate to ask and we can discuss further.